Comments for Mudpies & Butterflies
Learning Alongside Your Kids in Los AngelesMon, 07 Apr 2014 14:54:25 +0000hourly1 on April is Poetry Month 4/10 by Myshell Tabu
Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:54:25 +0000,
I’m interested in bringing my two girls. Please contact me with park information. Thank you so much! It sounds fun.
]]>Comment on Never too Early to be a Scientist by Jennifer
Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:00:31 +0000’s always an inspiration and a delight to see what you and your kids get up to. We’ve been to the JPL event and enjoyed it, but I had no idea about the Int’l Science Festival. It sounds great!
]]>Comment on BodyGuards: Scabs, Snot & Scars by BacteriaBuddies or MicrobialMonsters 3/27 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:27:15 +0000[...] Sushila, will share how we both need Bacteria and why we must protect ourselves. See my parkday on Scabs, Snot and Scars to get an idea on our bodies first [...]
]]>Comment on Celebrating Big Trees & Big Spirits 9/29 by Annual Spring Campout to Joshua Tree 3/14-3/16 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:24:31 +0000[...] as 3 dozen of us will be going to Joshua Tree National Park (in the fall, we hug big trees at Sequoia National Park). Ideas to focus on Desert Life: watch the animated flic Rango or 127 hours (adults only); look at [...]
]]>Comment on Joshua Tree Family Campout 3/16 by Annual Spring Campout to Joshua Tree 3/14-3/16 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:18:39 +0000[...] at the park this Thursday (but you guys can still connect), as 3 dozen of us will be going to Joshua Tree National Park (in the fall, we hug big trees at Sequoia National Park). Ideas to focus on Desert Life: watch the [...]
]]>Comment on Spirit of Olympics – Winter Games 2010 by Winter Olympics in LA 2/20 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 17 Feb 2014 13:16:27 +0000[...] Four years ago at M&B Parkday, during the last winter Olympics in Vancouver… To emphasize the unity and teamwork aspect of the Olympics, we all join hands like the Who’s from Whooville. Without letting go of our hands, we passed a hula hoop completely around the circle climbing in and out and pulling the hands of our neighbors along for the moves. Sometimes we had to come in tighter to help lend an extra hand or two. But not as often as I would have thought. Pretty agile group of kids and parents!! [...]
]]>Comment on Spirit of Olympics – Winter Games 2010 by Valentines Day & Darwin Day 2/13 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 19:42:25 +0000[...] February 20th will be Winter Olympics Fun like we did four years ago. And as that will be our 3rd Thursday – Olympics will be [...]
]]>Comment on Take the Darwin Challenge by Valentines Day & Darwin Day 2/13 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:34:02 +0000[...] Wednesday is Charles Darwin’s Birthday, so anyone who has completed up to half of the Challenge, should let me know. And anyone who [...]
]]>Comment on Take the Darwin Challenge by Taxonomy & the Darwin Challenge 2/6 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:50:55 +0000[...] weeks from Charles Darwin’s, it’s time to see how many items you can complete on the 2014 Darwin Challenge. Dress up in a beard, create a Phylum Feast, go to the Gentle Barn, spend 3 hours with out anything [...]
]]>Comment on Lunar New Year & Valentine 2/14 by Lunar New Year Celebration 1/30 « Mudpies & Butterflies
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:26:53 +0000[...] families celebrate in this manner as well. (Most Japanese celebrate the calendar New Year). See how our homeschool families have celebrated in the past. During our visit, my family lit candles at the Hsi Lai Temple last week in Hacienda [...]